It's not impossible that something good could happen in 2008.
Happy New Year!
It's not impossible that something good could happen in 2008.
Happy New Year!
Actually it would make a great facility for wheel-sports. Sometimes that’s what we used it for, as kids.
In my youth the zoo was still run by Rec and Park, and admission was free. (Just as the museums, the Conservatory of Flowers, and the Academy of Sciences were all free.)
After school sometimes we’d ride our bikes in the zoo, around the cages, past the aviary and the grottos. We’d lay out race courses. We could do this because there were absolutely no zoo visitors (or maybe one or two) to disturb. You know, a Wednesday in March, cold and windy, maybe rained earlier in the day.
Looking at the irregular network of pathways (all smoothly paved) from above, these grounds cry out for wheel-sports—bicycles, skateboards, roller skates.
For the time being, after removing the dumbest animal, disgraced director Manuel Mollinedo, they should probably remove the bigger animals, just on humane grounds. After that I hope they spend the next twenty years tweaking smaller-animal exhibits, until they finally give up and make it a roller park.
By that time I’ll be dead.
I was going to rant about the puling bureaucratic response of zoo director Manuel Mollinedo—blaming the victims in what he knows is a strict-liability situation, and claiming that his records show that the wall was 20 feet high—immediately after the mauling.
Judging from public comment, and from this Sunday Chron story, Mr Mollinedo is on his way out.
Another mystery is the paperwork that shows the wall as 20 feet high. The chances of this being an innocent “clerical error” approach zero. Was this paperwork relied upon for accreditation and insurance purposes? If so, we’re talking about possible significant fraud, which may have contributed to a death.
The mystery draws us into the new year.
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Labels: zoo
I’m reminded of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, tyrants and torturers of Romania, whom the rebels executed on December 25, 1989 “as a Christmas present to the country.”
Anyway, another factor in my failure was the non-support of my three peers on the new job, all female, all Asian. It was three months before I learned that one of these Asian women had applied for the job I had been given. She and her two friends were extremely bitter and determined that my failure would prove that Maria should have gotten the job.
“This is a situation I might have been able to handle, IF I HAD KNOWN ABOUT IT.”
I feel kind of guilty because I got the best present, four suitable-for-framing doodles from a nice guy who’s an architect; he’s all slice and dice on the court. I hate these guys who are good tennis players plus they have another talent.
Merry Christmas!
Once one a beautiful ocean beach morning, coming on to windowpane we saw occasional equestrians along the waterline. One, a haughty looking, straight-backed formal; equitationist inspired this comment from my friend Jim: “Look at the animal riding the animal.”
And so I say, “Look at the butterfat riding the butterfat.”
If I just eat enough butterfat I can get back to my hibernation.
So I’m slopping down the hi-cal reading about the rising price and diminishing stockpiles of food worldwide, at least according to this IHT article with the ominous headline: World food stocks dwindling rapidly, UN warns
In an "unforeseen and unprecedented" shift, the world food supply is dwindling rapidly and food prices are soaring to historic levels, the top food and agriculture official of the United Nations warned Monday.
The story notes some supply and demand factors:
On the supply side, these include the early effects of global warming, which has decreased crop yields in some crucial places, and a shift away from farming for human consumption toward crops for biofuels and cattle feed. Demand for grain is increasing with the world population...
Part of the current problem is an outgrowth of prosperity. More people in the world now eat meat, diverting grain from humans to livestock. A more complicated issue is the use of crops to make biofuels, which are often heavily subsidized. A major factor in rising corn prices globally is that many farmers in the United States are now selling their corn to make subsidized ethanol.
So I’m thinking, what’s the point of exiting my cave if this is what we’ve come to. America must decide what to do with it’s food—feed people or feed their SUVs. Do we need to take a poll?
I’m awake enough to perceive sneaky Gay League tennis recruiting tactics on the part of erstwhile team-mates, now new rivals. I’ve lived my life (mostly) and getting sandbagged is not a novel insult. Like the drama of infidelity, it’s not just painful, it’s boring. And the flying emails all sound so gdmf corporate.
I’m awake enough to watch the news. People tell me not to. Tis the season for a sound bite advocating torture, with a nativity scene in the background.
There’s no light at all.
I might as well just go back to bed.
Tomorrow night the sun will reach it’s southern solstice and then, theoretically, will start its northward climb again. But, like a patient after a near fatal disease, it’ll take many weeks to recover its strength.
Et in terra, pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
This translates: “And on earth, peace to men of good will.” It does NOT translate: “Peace on earth, good will toward men.”
Christmas Phone Call
Son: Mom, good news, I got a job!
Mom: That’s great son! What’s the job?
Son: It’s for the government. I’m going to be a torturer, specializing in waterboarding.
Mom: Are you sure…
Son: It’s perfectly legal. They fly me to countries where the laws allow it. And they put me up in really nice hotels. And, it really is helping our country. And the benefits are great.
Mom: Well, son, as long as it makes you happy, that’s all I care about. Your sister wants to say hello. Merry Christmas. I love you.
Son: Merry Christmas, mom. I love you, too.
Sentinel Interior Design Critic Sophie Azouao Underwrites Benefit Magazine Remodel
Benefit Magazine Inc, a Bay Area Media Company which provides the ‘inspiration and the resource’ for charitable giving in print, TV, and radio, is approaching its first anniversary and the re-launch of its flagship product, Benefit Magazine.
“Benefit Magazine is on the verge of releasing a vastly improved editorial product in terms of depth and quality of coverage and of aesthetic design. We have come a long way in the past year… "
-Benefit Magazine, Special Projects Director, Sophie Azouaou
If there has been in issue published recently, then much of the copy of the Sentinel Story is out of date, unless I misconstrue the meaning of “re-launch.”
Considering we have one publication, The Sentinel, reporting on another publication, Benefit Magazine, a puff piece really, I'd think someone on one of the staffs would be able to write a coherent story.
I guess I'd be wrong.
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Labels: me
This could coincide with the renaming of San Francisco. Sooner or later we’ll realize that naming a city after a saint of a particular religion, especially a saint of the anti-gay, anti-choice Roman Catholic Church, is just too incorrect politically.
Name it Lennar City. Let Lennar run things directly, instead of through the charade of city government. There could be enormous economies.
Anyway these three stories came to me via Google Alerts the other day.
Past Tense – “Lennar bombed.”
The headline of this Orlando Sentinel story says it all
Crew detonates fragmentation bomb found on former bombing range site.
Lennar has shut down the Escena golf course in Palm Springs. They were supposed to build 1400 luxury homes starting at 400K and up. Jack Nicklaus designed the golf course. After building about 60 homes, they have stopped all building on the project, have not finished the club house, and now have closed the golf course. Those 60 people who bought golf course homes are screwed.
The new proposal - which would reach the June 2008 ballot following a signature drive - calls on the city to contribute public land and to subsidize portions of the project by tapping a city affordable-housing construction fund and by issuing bonds backed by future property tax revenue from the site.
Labels: Lennar
Imus’ girlish tresses make the same statement as his pink and lavender shirts: Imus is so manly he can get away with it.
Anyway, there was footage yesterday of Imus walking from his limo to the front door of a building (presumably his studio). It must have been raining because the chauffeur was walking behind Imus with a big old umbrella at arms length to keep the star dry.
Imus was carrying his trademark grey-felt cowboy hat. He was carrying the hat against his chest, sort of under his chin, to protect it from any stray raindrops.
As he approached the door, and was under a protective awning, he put his hat on, and entered the building.
What kind of a cowboy is that?
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Labels: race
Responding to the survey results, Supervisor Chu, a Newsom flunky he appointed to fill the temporarily vacant seat of Ed Jew, has introduced legislation to lighten the burden on those wishing to extend their private business space into the public right of way.
According to the Examiner story:
The public works code currently requires businesses to pay more than $134 to buy or renew a permit. The new ordinance would cut the initial cost to $104 and the annual renewal cost to $52.
Besides, the city doesn’t need the revenue, we have plenty of that!
By the way, the Examiner story begins:
The sidewalk café has long been part of San Francisco’s joie de vivre.
Labels: Carmen Chu
I love the handles.
The test will come with our next big rain.
People who try to walk or Muni home with paper bags full of groceries in the middle of a downpour may find the bottom falling out. Hell awaits.
Jared Blumenthal, head of the burgeoning Department of Environment was one of three who spoke at the signing of the Anti-plastic Bag Ordinance, along with Mayor Newsom and Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi.
Blumenthal impressed twice. At one point he corrected the mayor’s claim about the benefits of the plastic bag ban—the mayor had exaggerated by an order of magnitude.
Later Jared revealed his secret goal for the plastics ban. He, and many, assumed that the plastic bags would be replaced with similar looking bags made out of corn stalks or some such material.
The new, non-plastic bags, Jared told us, would be compostable, which would help San Franciscans conquer the “ick” factor when separating table scraps for the “green” compostables garbage bins.
So it was about composting! And may well become. I was hoping I’d be dead by the time composting becomes mandatory.
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Labels: plastic bag
Anyway, the election results from Nov 6, presumably official now, are depressing enough.
It was the first test of this blog’s ability to influence voters. My consultants gave it a positive spin. SFWILLIE’S BLOG, they tell me, had zero influence on the outcomes of any races. Which, they say, establishes a “good baseline.”
I suspect worse. Judging from the results, many voters could have taken sfwillie’s recommendations and voted the opposite.
That’s the way I used to vote when I didn’t have time to study the propositions—I’d clip out the Chronicle’s recommendations and vote the opposite.
Mayor’s Race: It’s better to have a constituency than not.
Propositions: People who turn out to vote for an unopposed mayor will probably vote with the mayor on the propositions.
D.A.: There is hope! One thousand seven hundred fifty-six people voted write-in. We are not alone.
Remember, Ford gave us the T-Third meltdown, which brought unnecessary real-life pain to thousands of San Franciscans.
Either Ford was unaware that the T-Third rollout wouldn’t work, in which case he’s incompetent. Or, he knew it wouldn’t work, but he rolled it out anyway, for “political” reasons, in which case he’s malicious.
Either way, the fact that bogus Muni-reform Prop A passed, and that Ford was given a big raise AFTER the election, tells us that San Francisco’s de-facto Transit-Last policy will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.
Woe is me.
Simple answer: many of them didn’t.
Three of our current board members were appointed by Mayor Gavin Newsom: “whiney brat” Angela Alioto Pier, sad-eyed golfer Sean Elsbernd, and neophyte Carmen Chu who has three or four short leashes around her neck.
Even Newsom’s first elected office was gotten by appointment. Newsom’s incumbency is the lasting gift of Kamala’s ex-boyfriend, whatisname, oh yeah, Willie Brown.
The City Charter grants the mayor the power to fill vacancies on the Board of Supervisors. This allows these hacks to then run from a position of incumbency.
This provision gives considerable power to the Mayor. Downtown interests favor it. Neighborhoods should oppose it.
How to stop it?
Change the City Charter to prohibit an appointed supervisor from running for his or her seat in the next subsequent election, i.e. “no appointed incumbency.”
It looks like Gavin wants Carmen Chu to stay on as MY supervisor. This is hell.
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Labels: charter changes
The processing time required for any particular bounce is enough that it can’t be used in real time. It takes maybe fifteen seconds from challenge to outcome.
Because of this processing time, the use of shotspotting systems must be limited. If each player could challenge any shot the natural flow of the game would be disrupted. A player might challenge a line call just to gain a few extra seconds of recovery time after a strenuous point, or just to throw off the opponent’s rythmn.
So the rule is: Each player has only two unsuccessful challenges per set. In other words, each player can challenge any call, but after a player makes two wrong challenges (as determined by the computer), his or her right to make challenges is suspended for the rest of the set.
This system punishes wrong challenges but doesn’t reward correct challenges.
When Hawkeye determines a challenge to be correct, the reversal of the adverse call is not a reward, it is simple justice.
When a player makes a correct challenge, he or she should be awarded an additional (incorrect) challenge for that set. Otherwise, a player could, conceivably, have a high average of successful challenges but still lose the right to challenge, (e.g. ten correct challenges followed by two incorrect).
This rule change would place greater pressure on the judges, and could even get the chair umpire back in the business of overruling the calls of line judges.
While no system is perfect (I once saw Cyclops, which is devoted to service line calls, and Hawkeye disagree),but anyone who’s watched much tennis has seen egregious bad line calls at the highest level of the game. It’s good that some errors are being corrected.
Someday I’ll learn what could motivate someone to be a line judge. I think Major League Baseball still forbids ballparks from showing big-screen replays of close calls, the umpires wouldn’t stand for it. In tennis, a lineguy or gal must be able to have a clear mistake shown to a packed stadium plus millions of TV viewers, and not cry.
One commenter said that dealing with bad line calls (and not going berserk and totally losing it) is an important psychological element of the game, and he hates to see it go. This seems cruel to me.
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Labels: tennis rules
Anyway, a piece of gossip about our mayor has been reported in a supposedly progressive journal. The purpose of the not very “blind” item was to impugn the character of the mayor, and, basically, tell on him.
The unnamed mayor’s supposed sin? He got drunk and woke up the next morning in the bed of a young female who was not his official girlfriend.
Well tsk fucking tsk!
Progressives? Criticizing someone for having sex?
I think maybe we need to break this down.
If a mayor goes to a meeting where he signs a deal to build a big new Safeway in Bay View Hunters Point, then he gets drunk and goes home with a new girl to have sex—that's a GOOD MAYOR.
If a mayor goes to a meeting and signs a deal transferring millions of dollars in public assets to the Don Fisher Ego Foundation, then he gets drunk and goes home with a new girl to have sex—that's a BAD MAYOR.
Applying algebra, the drunk/sex part cancels out.
Labels: Newsom
Choice, variety, freshness, and price, price, price. Oh, and did I mention… price.
It’s been understood, since I was a kid, that ghettos are underserved by the kinds of businesses that white middleclass people take for granted.
Without an accessible supermarket, mom and pop corner stores, with nothing fresh and sky high prices, or fast food, also expensive, are the only alternatives. Most nutritionists agree such diets tax not only the pocketbook, but reduce longevity and diminish actual quality of life.
So, the only surprise, to me at least, about a recent study reported in Fog City Journal, is that it was necessary in the first place. Read FCJ’s piece by Caitlin Cassady.
It starts:
A study released today shows that residents in San Francisco's Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood think access to fresh and health food is an urgent issue that needs to be addressed.
According to the study:
Over half of the residents surveyed say that they shop at Safeway stores in other neighborhoods.
What more do we need to know?
The rest of the report sounds like the biases of the Mayor’s office group that wrote the report, claiming the residents are willing to pay more for pesticide free food, or that they want some sort of neighborhood co-op market (or that they want a Birkenstock outlet?).
What they want is a goddamn Safeway. Pardon my gdmf French.
But it’s not either-or. BVHP needs a big old supermarket PLUS other food options, just like everybody else. While the report emphasizes dietary health, it’s an obvious issue of economic justice as well.
If Safeway can have all the indicated locations in San Francisco, why the heck can’t they have one in BVHP?
So, Mayor Newsom and Supervisor Maxwell, here is your assignment: get a Safeway opened in BVHP open by Jan 1, 2009. Also, as part of the deal, build a strip mall for alternative food stores (organic, specialty ethnic, etc.).
The benefit to the people of BVHP is obvious. So what’s in it for Newsom and Maxwell? How about the experience of a sense of decency?
If that’s not enough, Sophie, you need something, anything, to redeem the utter mediocrity that has been your tenure on the Board of Supervisors.
And Gavin, if you can get a Safeway built in BVHP, I’ll vote for your sorry white ass for governor.
Don’t wait. Get to work.
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Labels: BVHP
Mutual fulfillment of sexual object and act cathexes (MFOAC).
I ended it last week.
After thirty-four years, with diminishing sexual returns, I realized, sort of like realizing I was gay way back when, that I have a new “relationship” goal:
Mutual affection and emotional support that includes sex (MAESIS).
This is completely pathetic for a 59-year old. But it’s a lot better than waking up at my age desperate to experience MFOAC.
It’s sort of a belated mid-life crisis. I feel almost alive. But, as my mom knew would be the case, I can’t afford a little red sports car, not even a used one.
Labels: me
Labels: oj
h. brown early in the race pegged Rinaldi as a Newsom “plant” and predicted that Rinaldi would be the recipient of Newsom-directed public funding of some sort—jobs, grants—as soon as the election is over.
Basically Nevius’ column says:
- Newsom is a shoo-in,
- His main opponent is a guy named “Chicken John.”
- Wouldn’t it be “so San Francisco” if Chicken John got a lot of votes!
Meanwhile, candidates such as brown, Sumchai, and Mecke who have raised serious questions which the Mayor refuses to address in open discussion, aren’t even named in the article.
The only other Newsom opponents Nevius mentions are “Grasshopper and the nude guy.”
Nevius refers to, or quotes others referring to, the field of opposition mayoral candidates as:
- offbeat
- midget
- fringes
- freaks
- ridiculous
At the downsizing Chronicle, Nevius must feel that it’s better to be a shill than to be unemployed. The janitor who empties C.W.’s wastebasket has, at least, an honest job.
The results of this Mayoral vote won’t make national news, UNLESS Chicken John comes in second. If this happens, right wing pundits will use the Chicken-vote to further trivialize and vilify San Francisco.
If you like Newsom, vote for Newsom.
If you dislike San Francisco, vote for Chicken John Rinaldi.
Elsewise, any other candidate will do.
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On a purely volunteer basis, h. brown works full time to monitor the policy-effluent from City Hall, and to alert us timely about the worst of its toxic discharges.
No other candidate provides such an essential service to the entire population of San Francisco.
Even if you’ve never heard of h. brown, everyone at City Hall knows him and fears him. Because h. is mostly disconnected from personal power/wealth mechanisms, he is likely to say damn near anything.
City Hall folks tolerate h. because his hard analytical work produces some really good ideas that the Mayor and Supervisors can rip off and call their own.
And h. doesn’t care if his ideas are ripped off as long as public policy is improved. He’s in it for us.
That’s why I’m voting for h. brown for Mayor of San Francisco. First Choice. No fucking around.
[Above pictures courtesy of sfmike’s Civic Center Blog. In the second photo, h. trades jibes with Newsom spokesperson, Nathan Ballard. Their exchange is recorded (at least h.’s side of it) in the first few minutes of this video of the 11th Candidates Collaborative Debate. Candidate h. presents as strong and confident.]
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Labels: h. brown
"It's scumbags like this that erode the quality of life that we have here," Chitwood said. "What scares me is that these are people that we trust to be political leaders, these are people that we trust with our children."
Shallow is caught between two worlds: the heteros reject him because of the bathroom blowjob thing, fashion forward gays will reject him for associating homosexuality with the Sears brand.
Bloomingdales, Sax maybe. But Sears!
[PageOneQ, a news aggregator, included the above photo with its story/link. The file name is craig_terlet.jpg. Someone thought it appropriate for this story. Why not?]
Labels: toilet
This shows that Feinstein (who lives in a nice house) approves Alberto Gonzales’ policies and sees Mukasey as a pro who can implement them without scaring the horses.
At issue, Mukasey says that waterboarding is ok, maybe, sometimes.
If waterboarding is not torture, Ms Feinstein should have a go at it—there would be a doctor nearby, there would be no permanent damage.
Come to think of it, the willingness of legislators to undergo a particular “interrogation technique” is one way to judge if it’s torture. Electric shock to the genitals, for instance–most lawmakers would just agree to put that on the torture list without experiencing it themselves. If they have a question about waterboarding, they should try it.
Anyway, it has fallen to SFWILLIE’S BLOG to enunciate a consistent moral stance about waterboarding and other torture techniques:
Torture is always immoral. It may never be employed under any circumstances.
Regarding the what-if scenarios (nuke about to explode, etc,):
It is better that the entire planet explode than for one human to intentionally torture another. One moment of kindness is preferable to an eternity of torture.
Our current administration considers it ok to start a war, under the“do unto them before they do unto us” principle.
The Bush administration considers torture to be one of many legitimate weapons in its war against "enemies." The above photo shows an aggressive interrogation technique called “stress position.”
It seems that the majority of the government and punditry agree: aggression is ok, torture is ok.
This blog does not agree.
Labels: DiFi
I’m writing this after picking myself up off the floor where I had fallen after seeing this piece in Pat Murphy’s excellent San Francisco Sentinel about another gathering in my district.
According to the Sentinel, tomorrow’s dignitaries will include:
Senator Leland Y. Yee, Ph.D., San Francisco Supervisor Carmen Chu, Bijan Sartipi, Director, Caltrans District 4; Bon Yee, Director, San Francisco Department of Parking and Traffic; Dr. William Miller, 19th Avenue Pedestrian Safety Action Group (witnessed April 2007 fatal accident); and Manish Champsee, President, Walk San Francisco.
Labels: d4
Prop A -- NO Fake Muni Reform
They tied this nonsense with a green ribbon—non-polluting buses. The problem with Muni is not pollution, it’s reliability. As to reforming Muni—Prop A was concocted by the same people who brought us the T-Third meltdown, then threw a party to celebrate. Vote no on fake reform. Vote no on incompetence. Vote NO on A.
Prop B -- YES Appoint/Re-appoint Commission Members Timely
I’m guessing a mayor-appointed commissioner who serves past the appointed term does so at the mayor’s pleasure, and can be removed without cause. Commissioners during their appointed terms are more difficult to remove. Makes sense. Vote YES on B.
Prop C -- NO Favoring private ballot initiatives
Requires supervisors putting initiatives on the ballot to “show their hand” many weeks before the election. This allows private (read downtown) interests to put countering propositions on the ballot at the last minute, sight-unseen by anyone but themselves. This is important. Vote NO on C.
Prop D -- NO Reduces Library Hours, Promotes Capital Boondoggles
Voters established a property tax set-aside to fund library operations. The effort was a failure. Now they want to extend the arrangement for another 15 years, and allow the property tax money to be used to pay off bond debt (read crony-contracts). If you want your libraries open more hours, vote No on Prop D.
Prop E -- YES “Question Time for Mayor”
This is stupid inside politics, spurred by short-term jostling. But, it might provide some fun political theater. For some reasons we the public don’t know, this is our current mayor’s biggest nightmare. Vote YES on E, maybe we’ll find out.
Prop F -- NO More benefits for cops
SF has many problems. Fringe benefits for public employees ain’t one of them. This is a simple giveaway. Vote NO on F.
Prop G -- YES Money for horse stables in Golden Gate Park
This is probably a ripoff, but it might give SF kids more of a chance to see horsies. YES on G.
Prop H -- NO More cars in downtown SF
This one is simple. If you are a Republican, vote yes. Otherwise, vote NO on H.
Prop I -- NO NO NO More crony appointments
Assist small business? This should be part of the mission statement of every City department. Creating a new “Office” is an admission of management failure. Make current departments do their jobs. Vote NO on I.
Prop J -- NO Public/private internet ripoff
This is one evil offspring of Board President Peskin’s and Mayor Newsom’s perverse acts as political bed partners. This is such a joke even the Chronicle agrees: vote NO on J.
Prop K -- YES Less advertising
Advertising as a public revenue source is pathetic. Vote YES on K.
Labels: election recommendations
Except for me, tomorrow’s opposition candidates for the office of mayor this great City and county will be showing their wares at the MUNI station intersection in the Castro. 5-6:30pm. I’m told that since I won’t be there that Chicken John and Quintin Mecke who are both scared shitless of me will attend.
So h. is on the outs with Luke at FCJ, and Josh is flirting with Ted Strawser, founder of Party Party, who will be moderating the Castro Station group. [In addition to the written word, Party Party employs satirical art, as above, to get its points across.]
SF politics is so, interesting!
Fog City Journal, without h., is getting kind of sfist-y.
h. says he’ll keep his commitment to 12 Friday debates, “under Gavin’s balcony,” and vows to be there this evening 5:00 – 6:30pm.
Mayor Newsom, if h. really is the only candidate present, could say a big fuck-you to lots of people by coming out and exchanging a few jabs with the lovable/hate-able curmudgeon. Newsom would appear very manly in doing so.
The Wolf-Strawser hijacking of the Candidates Collaborative demonstrates why this blog endorses h. brown for mayor. We want clean, transparant government.
Labels: gavin newsom, h. brown, josh wolf
San Francisco Mayor’s Race, October 26, 2007
1. What is the most important issue for the residents of District ____?
[After picking a number, from 1 to 11, from a hat.]
2. What will you do to solve the murder of SFPD Officer Lester Garnier?
3. Muni was more reliable in 1957 than it is 2007. Why, do you think, this is the case?
4. What programs will you implement to give SF’s rich people something useful to do?
5. What area of study are you currently trying to learn more about?
6. If we could hire someone to nag you, what should he or she nag you about?
7. Do you condemn the Catholic Church for its anti-women and anti-gay bigotry?
8. How will you raise the morale of rank-and-file city workers?
9. How will you reduce user fees and other regressive taxes, and make the city’s revenue sources more progressive?
10. Should SFPD ever cite bicyclists for any traffic violations? If so, what kind of violations?
11. Should bicyclists be required to carry liability insurance, similar to motorists?
12. Should corporate advertising (including logos of event sponsors) be forbidden in S.F. public parks?
Labels: mayor race
In San Francisco, being in the military is not cool. Many SFers thing that the US military, per se, is part of the problem, like organized crime, and must be eliminated.
In most high schools, being in ROTC is not cool. Like, what kind of geek wants to wear stupid uniforms and march around, and, like, obey orders?
So, at a time of frustration of the US’ immoral war on Iraq, and some b.s. about don't ask don't tell, it was easy for SF’s Board of Education to ban JROTC from city schools—a good slap at the Bush administration.
What the BoE fools didn’t consider was that JROTC, like any after school activity can be, was the primary peer-support resource for many of the participants. High school is tough enough. To eliminate existing resources on a whim of political correctness is callous.
The board’s symbolic slap represented a real loss for the kids.
When this was brought to the Board’s attention they said, no problem we’ll develop an equivalent alternate program to fill the gap.
A year later, no alternate program. [SFGate story.]
I guess there’s a lesson here: it’s easier to ban something than to replace it.
The good news is that JROTC will continue indefinitely. Sfmike tells me that two Board members who pushed for the ban have since departed and the issue is likely to remain dormant.
Labels: Board of Education, jrotc
Matt failed to attack the gaping hole in “Mensroom Larry’s” argument. Craig's position:
1. I’m was an innocent traveler, naïve regarding any mensroom sex happenings, and I entered the airport mensroom simply to use the toilet.
2. I was using the toilet normally when I was arrested. I had no idea why I was being arrested.
3. I made a big mistake by not consulting a lawyer, keeping it secret, and pleading guilty.
4. The reason I made this big mistake was because I was deeply embarrassed by the event and hoped it would “go away,” and I wouldn’t have to tell my wife and kids and the public.
If #1 and #2 are true, then there is no reason for any “embarrassment.” Outrage would be the appropriate response. I’d demand a lie detector test.
Getting arrested is no embarrassment, it’s what you get arrested for that’s embarrassing.
Then, making your spouse face the music with you?
Has any man in America ever inadvertently “touched shoes” with the man in the next stall? Except as part of a sex-advance?
"This debate really is about San Francisco values. The Bill O'Reillys of the world are threatened by San Francisco because we value diversity, universal health care and civil rights for all. They will exploit any controversy to attack our values."
Labels: gavin newsom, gay rights
My guess is they're warming each other’s hip-flasks.Shot among the birch trees and snow of a Siberian forest, two policemen kiss each other passionately on the lips. They hold and - this is not entirely clear - possibly caress each other's buttocks.
The Banksy:Mr Shaburov said that he and fellow artist Viacheslav Mizin had created Kissing Policemen as a homage to the celebrated British graffiti artist Banksy. "We were inspired by Banksy's iconic image of two constables kissing. We wanted to do the same but in Russia," Mr Shaburov said.
Labels: kissing
So our women grew up thinking their lockerrooms should be as good as those provided for male athletes.
While Rec & Park did provide equal restrooms for men and women (i.e. none) the women nonetheless demands facilities for themselves.
A few months ago Newsom was so irked about the toilets at Portsmouth Square that he made Rec and Park and the PUC actually clean them. Those two agencies made the bureaucratic overhead so burdensome that Newsom would never spasm like that in their direction again, but the issue was engaged.
So, now we have a bond issue on the ballot (which sfwillie’s blog opposes) that includes $11M for new park restooms. That aspect of the bond has made San Francisco an international laughing-stock—but that’s another rant.
Anyway, I find it interesting that San Francisco’s restroom issue has been advanced by Title Nine-inspired lesbian athletes. Good for us!
Labels: toilet
1. Mayor suspends Supervisor Jew and names his own employee, Carmen Chu, as “interim” replacement.
2. San Francisco Ethics Commission holds a hearing and otherwise investigates Newsom’s allegations against Jew.
3. The Ethics Commission concludes either that Jew should be permanently removed or not, and communicates their opinion to the Board of Supervisors.
4. The Board of Supervisors considers the recommendation of the Ethics Commission (and conducts its own hearings and investigations?).
5. The Board of Supervisors votes on permanently removing Ed Jew.
This could get interesting.
Steven Gruel has issued two requests that Newsom can’t possible like:
First: Gruel demanded that the members of the Ethics Commission to immediately cease any ex parte communications regarding this case with the Mayor’s Office and its reps and likewise cease any ex parte communication with the Board of Supervisors and its reps. (Fog City Journal story here.)
As Gruel explains:
A basic precept of due process, of course, is that adverse parties and fact finders do not communicate about an active case in the absence of all interested parties. I see no reason why this simple rule ensuring fundamental fairness should not be followed here.
At least some of the Mayor’s critics see an unwholesome relationship between the mayor and the Ethics Commission.
The second Gruel letters really pissed off the City Attorney’s office (FCJ story here).
Gruel requests copies of all documents and communications used by or in possession of the City Attorney that were used as basis for his (actually the Mayor’s) charges against Jew.
Gruel’s letter might have sounded kind of hardass, quote:
Finally, I expect that your response will be complete, truthful and in full accordance with the law. Not only will your response, or the lack thereof, possibly serve as an exhibit in any future federal or state lawsuit, but anything less than strict adherence to your lawful obligations and duties could provide clear grounds for removal proceedings under San Francisco Charter Section 15.105.
City Attorney Dennis Herrera was so pissed he had his press secretary issue a statement that is simply nasty (forwarded by h. brown).
In it Matt Dorsey says:
Apart from running up his client's legal bill, I don't understand the rationale for Mr. Gruel's continued theatrics.and:
At this point, I think Mr. Gruel would better serve his client to focus on Mr. Jew's numerous legal problems than to engage in this ongoing publicity campaign.
Labels: Ed Jew, gavin newsom