Monday, August 10, 2009



At the end of her tenure as Police Chief of a major U.S. city, Heather Fong made an admission that startled almost no one.

"It's not just media shy, I'm kind of a shy person. I'm not an extrovert in a way that some people are. I'm different. Everyone is different. We all come from different cultures; we all come from different upbringings. In the end, we're all just people."

sfgate story here.

Exemplifying a non-shy person would be Gary Delagnes, President of the Police Officers Association.


SFMIKE provides this picture from a public event at which Delagnes

gave a speech calling the Supervisors a bunch of carpetbaggers from elsewhere who were "idiots" and weren't "real" native San Franciscans.

SFMIKE's full story here.

I don't know, when it comes to hiring a cop, do we want shy, or non-shy?

I can't think of one good thing Heather did in her five years at the top.

She was skilled at filibuster-answers when questioned by, say, the Board of Supervisors. After filling five full minutes (seems like an hour) with rapid-fire yet monotone facts figures and references that only obscure any possible meaning, Heather would look up with a smile, "Any other questions."

Former Chief Fong will be collecting a $200k+ yearly pension for the rest of her life. She's not shy about that.

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