Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Those who think that change in Washington comes easy, consider your own or your friends' New Year's resolutions.


On this feast of the Epiphany, the epiphany for most of us by now is that we're not going to keep our resolutions and we'll just forget about them until some future, more feasible starting point.

Obviously any important and sincerely motivated behavior change should begin immediately and not be delayed until some artificial start-date (an inauguration, for instance).

Whereas opposition to change is relentless.

Obama's attempt to bring change to the CIA by installing a competent administrator as its Director, is being opposed by San Francisco's own Dianne Feinstein.


DiFi, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee before which Obama's pick, Leon Panetta must appear for confirmation, states her opposition as a matter of some abstract principle, in this AFP/Yahoo story:

My position has consistently been that I believe the (CIA) is best-served by having an intelligence professional in charge at this time," she added.

DiFi wants a "pro" who, like herself, is criminally liable for the US torture program carried out by the Bush Administration.


Feinstein will do anything to cover up her role in approving war crimes.

Feinstein's opposition to Panetta has nothing to do with policy or governance, she's just covering her own Zionist ass.


Poor Barack! He's likened himself to Lincoln and to FDR.  We remember what happened to the last president who threatened to change the intelligence "community."

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  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Great post! For some reason, I never did trust Dianne. That picture of her and Gavo reinforces my gut feelings. r

  2. She just gets more relentlessly evil and authoritarian with each passing year, doesn't she? Part of the problem is that outside of San Francisco, she's considered a "moderate liberal," whatever that means, instead of as the corrupt old skunk we've come to loathe close-up over the decades. Keep getting the word out. She is and always has been serious bad news.

  3. Thanks, r.s., Maybe you or sfmike would know... did DiFi ever move into Pacific Heights proper? She used to live just a block from California St, then moved to that weird compound called Presidio Terrace.

    Thanks, Mike. Liberal/conservative are just differing styles of wealth extraction.

  4. Dear Willie: She's moved from the weird Presidio Terrace compound to a place in Pacific Heights (I believe on Broadway) so she could have "a view."
