Friday, October 26, 2007


The brilliant questions I wrote yesterday could have but one responder. Per his latest missive, h. brown might be the only candidate “under Gavin’s balcony” from 5:00 – 6:30pm this evening.

According to h.:

Except for me, tomorrow’s opposition candidates for the office of mayor this great City and county will be showing their wares at the MUNI station intersection in the Castro. 5-6:30pm. I’m told that since I won’t be there that Chicken John and Quintin Mecke who are both scared shitless of me will attend.

Fog City Journal’s story, written by candidate Josh Wolf, doesn’t mention h. brown at all. Candidate h. claims he was not consulted about the venue change.

The fact that article doesn’t even credit h. as in impetus for the Collaborative, per se, shows that Josh understands political ambition—you gotta step on people.

So h. is on the outs with Luke at FCJ, and Josh is flirting with Ted Strawser, founder of Party Party, who will be moderating the Castro Station group. [In addition to the written word, Party Party employs satirical art, as above, to get its points across.]

SF politics is so, interesting!

Fog City Journal, without h., is getting kind of sfist-y.

h. says he’ll keep his commitment to 12 Friday debates, “under Gavin’s balcony,” and vows to be there this evening 5:00 – 6:30pm.

Mayor Newsom, if h. really is the only candidate present, could say a big fuck-you to lots of people by coming out and exchanging a few jabs with the lovable/hate-able curmudgeon. Newsom would appear very manly in doing so.

The Wolf-Strawser hijacking of the Candidates Collaborative demonstrates why this blog endorses h. brown for mayor. We want clean, transparant government.


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  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    if I were h. I'd make both of them just to piss off everyone. politics makes strange bedfellows. as i've said before, you can't even trust your brother in the game of politice. Too bad AT isn't a candidate. r.s.

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    This City must pull together. We are in a war wherein people that are new to here or are not from here are pipelining money and propaganda to destroy our community.

    We must stop being divided. The time has now come for all good San Franciscans to band together in solidarity to save our City.

    Use ranked-choice voting to put Quintin Mecke and the good Doctor in the first and second choices for Mayor to block Newsom. There is no other way.

    The benefit is that with Quintin or the Doctor we will all get safe, affordable housing.

    That means all workers can get more sleep, stop stressing, stop commuting and put quality back into all of our lives and money back back into OUR pockets instead of selling out to JP Morgans, Lennar Copororations, Chevron Oil and bad unsafe landlords and operators of shelters and SRO's.

    It's all about San Franciscans uniting under the cause to put a Mayor into power to work with our Board of Supes to get the homeless off the streets and the workers and residents to come home to the City that we built.

    Everything else is just a distraction meant to divide us along social, racial and other false lines of division created by the rich and greedy.


  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Willie, FCJ didn't mention h. in its coverage of the Friday night debate. and h. hasn't made a contributon to fch since sept. what's going on anyway? r.s.

  4. Hola r.s., h. had a falling out with Luke Thomas.

    h. says the rupture is permanent.

    I hope they reconcile soon. This kiddie doesn't like it when the grown-ups argue.

  5. Anonymous10:10 PM

    willie, second your kiddies-grown up analogy. it pains me when people i like go at it.

