Friday, September 14, 2007


Much tribute was paid at this week’s Board of Supervisor’s meeting to the recently deceased Bill Sorro.

Sorro gained local fame and admiration in the I-Hotel fight, a 1960’s-‘70’s anti-displacement effort.

Ross Mirkarimi , when his turn came, suggested changing the name of Justin Herman Plaza to Bill Sorro Plaza.

Redevelopment (negro removal) continues in San Francisco with the same, some would say, rapacious spirit attributed to Justin Herman.

If Ross can get Justin Herman’s name removed, we’ll send Ross to Washington to get J Edgar Hoover’s name removed from the FBI building.

An exhibit, A Serving of Love: the Passion of Bill Sorro, runs through October 6, 2007

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  1. Wow, how frickin' amazing it would be to have JH plaza renamed after Bill Sorro. Of course it won't happen, and it would probably be more appropriate to name something in South of Market or the Mission after Bill, after all.

  2. Anonymous2:10 PM

    "A Serving of Love" website honoring Bill launched this month.
